Again, I have been too long in creating the next step in the study of I Peter. I must work on being more consistent with our study. My life has been hectic since the last posting with school work, home life and ministry life. This is no excuse though to cease being consistent in my study of God's Word so I will press on.
Vs. 4: As you come to him, the living Stone- rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to him- Vs. 5. you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
Peter began a new section in these verses. He is reminding us that Jesus is the living Stone and is the foundation of our lives. Peter wants us to be a living example of what Christ can do in our lives. Our spiritual house has Christ as the foundation and we are to be a holy priesthood. We can approach God because we are a holy priesthood. Heb. 4:16 -states that we can approach the throne of grace with confidence because we do not need a mediator between God and us. As children of God we can approach our heavenly Father one on one.
We can bring our offering of spiritual sacrifices to him directly because he is our God. We have personal access to the Father and he hears us.
What kind of spiritual houses are we building? I was reminded this weekend at our Pastor and staff wives retreat that we must first minister at home. At the end of our lives, what will matter the most. How will our families remember us. We must be consistent in our walk with God. We must strive to love our children and our families as Christ would have us to love them. Then we must work to reach out to the lost around us and to help those in our church families.
I was also challenged again this weekend that if our spiritual well has run dry then we do not have much to share out of the outflow of our hearts. We must stay plugged in to the Word each day in a personal time with God. Our ministry study time should be in addition to the personal time we spend with our heavenly Father. Jesus needs to hear us praying to him and sharing with him and listening to him through our own personal study of his Word. This way we are staying plugged in to the source of our strength and we are then able to minister to others the way Christ would have us to minister.
Lord, help me to be more consistent in my walk with you. Help me to stop putting ministry before my personal time with you. Never let me stray from your side. Help me to stay so close to you Lord. I love you, Lord.
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