Sorry for the delay ladies, I was working on a paper for school and doing Bible Study with my ladies at church the last couple of days. Let's see what vs. 5 has for us today.
Peter goes on in vs. 5 to say "who through faith are shielded by God's power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. "
Remember in vs. 4 Peter had listed all the ways our eternal inheritance in Christ is one that will never perish, spoil or fade. It is reserved or kept ( teteremenen) in heaven for us. So now, in vs. 5 he states that because of our faith we are shielded by God's power. We are being protected, phrouroumenous, like a soldier would protect from an enemy invasion. Now ladies, I don't know about you but in ministry we are on the front lines of battle with the enemy and he loves to fight with us personally, as he fights against us in our homes and in our churches. I thank God for the shield of protection he places around us as we serve him faithfully. In times of intense spiritual warfare I have found myself praying through each room of my home and at times even walking the parameter of my home to ask for God's continued protection on my home and family. Satan loves to come after our families when he can't get to us. So keep praying for your children that Satan will not receive the victory in thier lives and that we already know who is going to win this battle so he might as well just "go on now!" Don't get discouraged in your fight against the principalities and powers of this world. Keep looking up, raise your hands to the Father and keep praising him and seeking his face. Thank God for the security we have in the Father, the saving faith through Jesus, and the power he gives freely to us in his Holy Spirit. Do you see the theme of the trinity woven throughout these verses in Peter 1?
So, we are shielded by his power till he comes. This is the salvation to be revealed in the last time. This salvation, soteria, is a "future salvation, the sum of all the benefits and blessings that Christians... will enjoy after the visible return of Christ from heaven in the consummated and eternal kingdom of God." ( Thayer's Lexicon
When God says go back to get your own then Jesus will return and take us home with him. You see only the Father knows when he will have Jesus to return to take us home with him. So we are to be watching, waiting and working diligently for him until he returns.
I have been reading a book by David Jeremiah called "What in the World is Going On?" He states in his book how we are not to be passivly waiting for Christ's return we are to be working until he comes. So my final thought for today is this.
Let's be confident today in what the Lord would have to do. Stay in his Word each day, keep an attitude of prayer as you walk through your day. Know that you are shielded by his power and his Holy Spirit is alive and active in you. Be a witness to someone today, and continue to be faithful in the work the Lord has you to do today.
Thank you for mentioning Dr. Jeremiah's book “What in the World Is Going On?” in your blog. I work with Thomas Nelson, and we would love to follow your blog and learn what readers think of this exciting book. I also want to let you know that Dr. Jeremiah has just released a new book titled “Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World” which offers practical instruction for living a confident life in a world filled with chaos and crisis. Please contact me if you are interested in receiving a complimentary copy of “Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World” for review on your site.
Jodi Hughes