What a busy day yesterday. I was able to enjoy hearing my husband preach. It is always good to hear him preaching the Word.
Let's see what 1Peter 1:6-7 have to say.
If you remember from vs. 5 we saw how we are shielded be God's power and in vs. 6 Peter says "In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials."
The believers of the day were under persecution and yet they could rejoice in the protection they had in Christ. How do we handle grief, suffering, and trials in our lives. Do we take the time to lift our eyes and actually thank the Lord for the trials we go through? I say that if we don't then we will have an even harder time going through the trial.
vs. 7 says, "These have come so that your faith-of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire- may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed."
What does this mean, so that your faith may be proved genuine? Did you realize that we as believers have to go through trials as a necessary part of our growing closer to the Lord. Just as gold is refined in the fire, so our heavenly Father holds us tightly as we are held over the refining fire until our spirit is refined to be a reflection of Christ. You see, we are to reflect Christ to the world and we have areas in our lives that are not as it should be the Lord will refine that in us. Many times it means going through a trial in order to purge it from us. The end result is that the Lord may recieve the praise, glory and honor in our lives. You see our walk with Christ is always about more of Him and less of me.
Ladies, I pray we will all learn the lessons God teaches us as we go through the various trials in our lives so that we will always reflect the will of the Father on our faces. I pray that our lives would so shine Jesus that others will be drawn to the joy in our lives and ask us to tell them of the joy we possess. Then we can "splash them with Jesus and tell them of the wonderful Saviour that holds us tightly in his hand, even through the most difficult trials, and gives us joy. Glory to God!
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