Monday, November 16, 2009

Intro to I Peter

I wanted to give a brief introduction to I Peter.
The book of I Peter was written for believers who are suffering and he is encouraging us to be a witness in the midst of this suffering. He wanted us to learn how to live lives full of joy and victory in the midst of our trials. The believers at the time were under persecution in Rome and the book is said to have been written shortly before Nero began his persecution of Christians in Rome in AD64. Some say it was written in Bablyon on the Euphrates or in Rome. ( Women's Evangelical Commentary).

The opening verse states that Peter is an apostle of Jesus Christ.
An apostle is one who represents the one sending and has the authority to represent the sender. (Holman Bible Dictionary).
Ladies, how to do we represent our Lord when we go about doing the work of ministry? We are chosen in him to be his disciple, obedient servants of Christ. How well do we represent our Lord in our daily lives?
Peter wrote to God's elect, the eklektos, those who are saved, chosen and the best of its kind.
Ladies, are we being our best for the Lord? Do we show excellence in our service to him?
The rest of verse one shows how the believers were scattered all around the region due to the persecution they faced.

Today, lets continue to live intentional lives for the Lord. Let's represent our Lord well today. Continue to walk in love, excellence and compassion for those God may place in our path today. Even though as Peter states we are strangers in the world we work and live to bring others to a saving knowledge of our Lord. Let's be a blessing to someone today.

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